The Vizsla Newzsletter
April / May 1999

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This was held on Saturday 10th April at the Queens Wharf Event Centre in Wellington.

Again thank you to those people who gave of their time and their dogs patience to show our wonderful breed off to the public. As well as Steve and myself there for the day with Spirit and Flight, we had Orsolya & Paulina come with Casper & Josh and later Rod with Zeiga & Scarlett. A good range from the young 10 month old playfulness of Josh & Casper right up to the more mature playfulness and excitement of 13 year old Zeiga who just thought that all these people had been brought out for his benefit and delight!

I have no idea how many people came through but there seemed to be a constant crowd for the whole day and many people enjoyed meeting Vizslas for the first time!

Copyright Notice:
The views expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the editor, club or any other contributors.Any material is copyright to the original author and permission should be sought from them for reprinting.

Deadlines, Advertising and Subscriptions
Details here. Please send us articles and photos. The more local content we can get, the more interesting this newzsletter becomes.

Editors Comments:
The Cover
Image: The March 1999 NZKC Gazette Hungarian Vizsla suppelment cover.

Gazette Supplement

Well after starting the ball rolling about 2 years ago, and doing LOTS of promotion, chasing etc through the time the NZKC Hungarian Vizsla supplement became a reality in March!

I worried and panicked about it at regular intervals and was sure that it was going to be a disaster! HOWEVER now that we have the magazine published, I find that I am very proud to have been co- ordinator for it! I wish to take this chance to thank all those who helped make it the great supplement it is - the advertisers and the contributors of articles. ....

And to offer my best wishes to whoever is mad enough to take it on in another dozen or so years!

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