The Vizsla Newzsletter (April / May 99)
Vale - NZCH Wynyard Voriz Zsaylem ADX

On the 22nd of March 1999 we had to say farewell to a beloved Pet and friend aged 10 years 10 months, known affectionately as "Uncle Zsaylem".

We miss him terribly.

Image: Photo from the Canberra Royal

He was the first Vizsla in NZ to gain ADX and achieved many agility highlights, ie 3rd in NDOA in Starters and 1st in Novice at Hamilton NDOA.

He won many BOB in the show arena and the highlight was winning Best in Show at the Continental Gundog Show in Wellington 1993.

He was responsible for giving Judy the Agility bug and getting both of us involved in Showing.

Owned and loved by Judy Young and A McMaster.

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