Our Excuse To Show Off Our Puppies
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A puppy writes home

At Six Weeks, registered (owners picked some names themselves)
The Girls!

Miss Yellow
Barat Amber Flame (Flame)

Miss Dark Blue
Barat Amber Dawn (Willow)

Miss Red
Barat Amber Ramoth (Ramoth)

The Boys!

Master Brown
Barat Amber Flight (Flight)

Master Purple
Barat Amber Jazz (Jazz)

Master White (li'l tuffy)
Barat Amber N Red

Master Light Blue
Barat Amber Prince (Prince)

Six born, one more yet to arrive!

A few days later

Two mums?

Three mums?? or an extra puppy!!??!

Little Mister Brown (brown wool)
the runt of the litter, the noisiest, the first to walk and the bully

Miss Blue

Miss Yellow

Where's the whelping box gone and what's that green stuff!

That's ground down there
It looks (Yawn) fun!

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