of New Zealand

Little Red (Barat Amber Ramoth), now called Madi, Writes Home

Taken from a letter we received shortly after our first little puppy went to her new owner just before Xmas. Her new owner is training the puppy to be a hearing-ear dog - much like a seeing-eye dog, except for the deaf. These dogs will tell their owners if their is someone at the door, or the kettle is boiling or other things.

Like seeing-eye dogs, these dogs will be allowed in places other dogs are not allowed. For example, she will be able to sit on an airline seat next to her owner (isn't that a wonderfull place for a Vizsla to be?).

Dear Mom & Dad,

They say us kids only write when we

  1. want some more money
  2. are made to!
Just to let you know that I'm alive and well. I'm eating well except my new Mum doesn't make me Weetbix & milk like you do.

I've also gained a few assets,

  • 1 Ball
  • 1 Wine cork (bubbly, of course) - now taken away, stopped chasing it and started to eat it.
  • 1 Empty biscuit container - very noisy to eat it!
  • 1 Rawhide bone
  • 1 Material (home made) tug rope.
  • Several towels & 1 large sheepskin rug
  • 1 New red collar.
I'm sleeping OK & have made it to my new Ma's bed (about 4:30am 2 morning in a row now). I like cuddling up and going to sleep on her.

I have had lots of walks & been shopping heaps of times (in papoose style - my swimming bag (Ma!)). Everybody loves to pat me and one lady knew I was a Vizsla.

Xmas tomorrow & a sack for me!!

See you soon

Love Madi.

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