The Vizsla Newzsletter Pages
Photo from taken from the shared files area on the VizslaTalk list
All photos are copyrighted to their original owners
A photo of Nancy West's Dazzle.
Another photo of Nancy West's Vizsla, Kallmee Heat Wave (Dazzle),
DOB 9/12/95; Working Assistance Dog and red velvet princess
Pam Haley's Don Perignon
Diane Blackwood's Farli's Spider bite -
dark area center of swelling is bloody fluid leaking out of skin
Farli 5 days after the spider bite
Grace Lawson's Misty at 3 months of age
J P Wallace's Flick at 14 weeks old
Kris Burjan's Vizsladogs Mini Virag CGC
More of Kris Burjan's Vizsladogs Mini Virag CGC
Kris Burjan's Vizsladogs Ch Kalcoms Ramblin
More of Kris Burjan's Vizsladogs Mini Virag CGC
Sydney in the morning