of New Zealand

Reader's Pictures - Page 2

Email Jenny if you have a picture that you would like to placed on this page.

Pictures should be in JPG format if possible, otherwise any format will probably do. I'll even accept photographs in an envelope sent to our address (at the bottom of the home page) if you don't have access to a scanner.

Csibesz, Tunder, Morzsi and Ilka from Holland
The four from left to right:
CSIBESZ - 10 Months (Daughter of TUNDER)
TUNDER - Almost 4 years
MORZSI - Almost 2 years
ILKA - 7 years is watching over her 2 daughters and granddaughter
All from Andras Lendvay from Holland

Wanda Berner sent us these photos.

prewashers at work

Da Gang
Dogs just wanna have fun!
This is a picture taken July 5, 1997.
Jabba, Max(Ch. Maximum Strider, SH), Sweet Pea, Kati, Keeley.
Max, Kati, and Keeley are litter mates and Jabba is full sister, but a breeding a year later.
Sweet Pea is my granddog. She is Kati's daughter and is 6 months old.
Several pics have dogs butts leaving the frame.
Try to get 5 dogs to sit still long enough to photograph!

Me n Baby
This is a picture one of my buyers sent me.
I was saying goodbye to their new baby.
They took the other 2 in their yard.

Lawn 1

Lawn 2

Max and ball This is Max playing with his favorite toy. A slightly deflated basketball.

Genie This is my latest V. Gennie. She is daughter of my Jabba (Strider's Get A Job, JH) and granddaughter of my Ted (Thedora Ruby Gem Strider,JH). Her registered name will probably be Strider's TNG. This was her first point on a live bird. Up until this point she would run in and grab any bird she could. She is 9 weeks old in the pictured.

Joan & Allen Holth sent us these two photos

Paprika II
a picture of our rescue dog, Paprika II, jumping off a pier to retrieve a tennis ball.

Paprika II
This is Ch. Serenditipy's Paprika (sister to Dulci) pointing a squirrel.
Paprika's father, Ch. Ramblin Red aka Foxy taught her to squirrel. Squirrel alerts drive us nuts.
Everyone has to go out and bark and chase and sometimes point.
Notice the snow - this is a relatively rare occurrence here in Houston, Texas.

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