The Vizsla Newzsletter
June / July 1999

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I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Jan Edwards and Roze (Gr Ch Ruby Roze of Szep-Allat) for taking part in the prestigious Pal Blue Ribbon Event this year. This was another major milestone for our breed as a Vizsla has never qualified to be invited to this event before.

Well done Jan!

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Details here. Please send us articles and photos. The more local content we can get, the more interesting this newzsletter becomes.

Copyright Notice:
The views expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the editor, club or any other contributors.Any material is copyright to the original author and permission should be sought from them for reprinting.

Editors Comments:
Image: Clyde.

Another Newsletter year comes to an end .... it has been a busy year for Vizslas. More litters in the last year than ever before (and some large litters as well); more and more people recognise the breed when they seem them; and the phone rings with enquiries much more often! But within this increased awareness is still an amazing lack of knowledge - many of the enquiries are interested because they "look so nice" or they are "short haired and easy care dogs". MANY have no concept of what a Vizsla is or how much they need to participate in your life.

Image: Kami (Ch Barat Amber Dawn)

Since the breed is moving forward in leaps and bounds we feel that we need to make an effort to educate people about what the Vizsla is really like. So we have been getting involved in various "promotional" activities. The first was of course the supplement in the Gazette, followed by Discover Dogs in Wellington. Since then I went up to Auckland and participated in a hectic 2 day long Pet Expo at the start of May. My special thanks to Val Aubrey, Glenys & Brian Barton, Carolyn Walker, Gareth Williams and Brian Ball who also gave up some time to help with this endeavour.

The crowds were amazing; the number of Hungarian people who came to visit and pat the dogs were heartwarming enough to make the whole thing worthwhile! Despite having a really bad spot and despite appalling weather, approximately 25,000 people passed through the Expo over the weekend and an amazing number seemed to find their way to our little corner! Spirit even managed to get herself on TV (TV 3 news Sunday night) sitting on Brian Barton's lap and showing just what a lap dog she is!

The net result of a hectic 2 days is (I hope) more knowledge of our wonderful breed. And since sanity seems to have fled me some years ago I am planning on doing it all again on the 26th & 27th of June. Any and all offers of help will be GRATEFULLY received.

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