The Vizsla Newzsletter
February / March 1999

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Top 10 reasons to breed dogs:
from the Internet
    10. Thought the house was too orderly

    9. Never did like having a full nights sleep

    8. Wanted my Vet to get a new BMW

    7. Thought the furniture looked too nice

    6. Love the sounds of puppies in the morning, noon, afternoon, evening, midnight, pre-dawn, etc.

    5. Garden and backyard needed renovations, and didn't want to pay a gardener.

    4. Neighbours didn't complain enough

    3. Kids weren't enough of a challenge

    2. If you can train & show one dog, why not ten

    1. Wanted to see if spouse really meant those vows

Copyright Notice:
The views expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the editor, club or any other contributors.Any material is copyright to the original author and permission should be sought from them for reprinting.

Deadlines, Advertising and Subscriptions
Details here. Please send us articles and photos. The more local content we can get, the more interesting this newzsletter becomes.

Editors Comments:
Susan & Spirit
Image: This one is NOT a photo BY Susan but a photo OF Susan taken in the new outfit she bought to show my young Vizsla, Spirit (Tigar Lily of Szep-Allat).


Well I have had a fun few weeks. Steve & I had an unexpected (but very welcome) guest - Susan Straughan, from Lovelady in Texas. Due to an error by the travel agent, Susan's 6 month Visa to Australia was only a 3 month one so she had problems going back to Australia from what was supposed to be a one week trip to New Zealand.

Susan is a Vizsla owner and lover ... so Steve & I could not leave her languishing in a hotel for an indefinite length of time and invited her to spend her exile at our place!!

So I have had four weeks of visiting Vizslas, some fun field trial training, dog shows, Vizsla video watching and photo collecting! Susan is a photographer and lots of photos from her will probably surface in the next few newsletters!

These wonderful dogs of ours can open so many more doors for us - Susan is not the first overseas friend we have made initially due to the one major thing in common - our beautiful Vizslas! And we look forward to meeting many more Vizsla owners - including the New Zealand ones!

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