The Vizsla Newzsletter
October/November 1998

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The views expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the editor, club or any other contributors.Any material is copyright to the original author and permission should be sought from them for reprinting.

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Match Parade
After a number of cancellations Vizslas in Christchurch got together for a Match Parade organised by the Doberman Club. Not many of the owners had done any showing but went in the ring and did well. We had a great time catching up with everyone. There were 12 Vizslas present which was a wonderful turnout. The Vizslas were in the lead throughout the dog groups and only were overtaken by the Dobermans at the very end.
    • 1st Dobermans
    • 2nd Vizslas
    • 3rd Dalmatians
Deadlines, Advertising and Subscriptions
Details here. Please send us articles and photos. The more local content we can get, the more interesting this newzsletter becomes.

Editors Comments:
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Image: Tosca (Tosca of Szep-Allat), 8 months old and in Field Trial Training! Tosca is owned by Yvonne Barton.

I thought that I would start this issue of the Newsletter with a subject that most of us try hard to avoid!

What will happen to your pets in the event of your death? Have you made provision for them? Or are you like most of us and have never even thought about it?

Many of us spend considerable time worrying about provisions for our human family in our wills. Partners, children and even elderly, dependant relatives are all well provided for. But what happens to the pets?

Have you talked to family, friends, breeders to see who is willing or happy to provide a home for the four legged family members? Or at least to find someone who can provide a temporary home while looking for something more suitable ... have you thought about making financial provision in your will to cover this?

Or is the SPCA or similar animal welfare organisation going to walk in and take the ‘family' to dispose of as THEY see fit - which probably includes euthanasing some of the older, harder to home, pets!

Lots of questions that can only be answered by you as individuals. But hopefully I have opened your minds to an aspect of pet ownership often ignored by most people.

Your responsibility is for the life of the animal but occasionally the person does not last that long .....

Plan for ALL the family including the four legged ones!!!

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