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Image: Val Aubrey and Luka (Hubertus Quest for Star)
are slowing down a bit!!! We want ALL sorts. Remember that we LOVE hearing
about ALL Vizsla owners and your dogs. Tell us about your trip to the beach,
your first night at obedience training, how the outside dog became an
inside dog, how your dog got it's name, funny stories, sad stories, just day
to day stories. ALL help to make this a truly encompassing Newzsletter. Write
a letter to the editor if you have an opinion you want to share (remember to
mark it as to the Editor or I may think it's just to me!!!!).
Our new family member!!! After breeding an absolutely GORGEOUS litter from
Maggy Mae and Warwick Gibb's dog Hydro (Pfalcon of Szep-Allat) of which we
were going to keep the pick bitch, I found myself with the opportunity to get
a puppy from Jan Edward's last litter which was a repeat mating of the 2 dogs
who produced her so successful bitch Roze (see later article as to HOW
successful). So I had a major dilemma - 2 pups was going to be TOO much so I
have found a lovely home for P'linka (Barat Brandy Palinka) and have added to
our family Spirit (Tigar Lily of Szep-Allat).
It was sad not to have a pup from our litter stay behind but we still jointly
own her and will be real pests to the new Mum & Dad!!!! This way both will
get HEAPS of love and cuddles!
Sunday Doggy Sunday
Steve, Gareth Williams and myself 'manned' a Vizsla stall at this event on
Sunday 25th January. Despite the LARGE sign that said Hungarian Vizsla, we
still had many people come up and say "I've never seen one like this before.
What are they" or "I didn't know that Weimaraners came in this colour"!!!!!
We were a bit disappointed not to have more help as it was a very tiring day
with very large crowds very interested in learning about this attractive