On Sunday 25th January, Auckland Non-Sporting & Utility Dog Association in
conjunction with Butch are holding the inaugural DOG DAY SUNDAY. The aim of
this afternoon is to promote dog breeds and responsible dog ownership. This will be
a public event at the Western Springs Outer Sports Field (Auckland) and the
organisers expect about 5000+ people to attend. To boost public involvement they
will be hosting a number of attractions including obedience, agility, participation
events, breed stalls, demonstrations, pet contests with celebrity judges,
concessions, food stalls and a D.J..
We have accepted the invitation for the Vizsla club to participate with a stall. This
will cost us nothing but we must commit to manning the stall from 11am-5pm. To
ensure we get good exposure and enough time for us all to have a look at the other
exhibits we ask that as many of you as possible help us with the manning of the stall
(the more Vizslas there the better) and, if you have any Vizsla memorabilia, we ask
that you bring that with you on the day (and preferably let us know beforehand to
ensure we have enough table or notice board space). Let us know if you are able to
help thanks.
Click any image to view full size
Image above: Ch Ruby Roze of Szep-Allat
Best of Breed and Reserve of Group
on the Internet Virtual Dog Show.