The Vizsla Newzsletter of New Zealand
c/- Jenny and Steve Peacocke
Puriri, R.D. 1,
Thames, New Zealand.
Phone: (07) 868-1007
Port: (025) 487-866
Fax: (07) 868-1047
email Jenny:
email Steve:

The Vizsla Newzsletter - August / September 1997

New Memberzs
letters to the editor
Internet Addresses
Standard - The Ideal Exhibitor
Mika (FTCH Szerda of Brookbury QC)
Soundness And Movement
Vizslas in bed--You're Kidding???
Please Note: The views expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the editor, club or any other contributors.Any material is copyright to the original author and permission should be sought from them for reprinting.

Editors Comments: We are well into our second year and apparently doing something right as members are staying with us!! We would like to see more profiles on you and/or your dogs! Don't think that because you may not show, hunt, do obedience or whatever, that we are not interested! MOST of our members don't do these things!!!We want to hear about you all!

Also if you have an opinion you want the other Vizsla owners to know about or want to ask for feedback about send us a 'letter to the editor'. Please mark it as such. We put a question to members a couple of Newzsletters ago about NZKC recognition. While we do have a small number in favour of recognition, the vast majority who talked to us about it felt that we should wait for longer before heading that way. With the wide spread of our members it would be difficult to organise things such as committee meetings and it would be almost impossible to guarantee a reasonable number of entries at a Ribbon Parade or other such show. So for the moment we will keep on as we are. Of course this policy can change in the future if the members show a significant change in their wishes.

4 Beautiful Vizslas from the netherlands owned by Andras Lendvay
Four Beautiful Vizslas from the netherlands owned by Andras Lendvay
From left: Csibesz - 10 months (Daughter of Tunder)
Tunder - Almost 4 years; Morzsi - Almost 2 years
Ilka - 7 years is watching over her 2 daughters and granddaughter

New Memberzs

This information is only available in the printed newzsletter for obvious reasons.

Welcome - we hope you enjoy the Newzsletter!

Letters to the Editor(s)

Hello Jenny,

I am writing to you on behalf of the Hereditary Disease Sub-Committee of the Hungarian Vizsla Club of Victoria Inc. We are conducting research into the incidence of epilepsy, fits or seizure disorders in the Hungarian Vizsla. We would appreciate it if you could notify your members of our study.

Anecdotal evidence would suggest we have a problem in our breed; a couple of members have told us that their Veterinarians are treating several Vizslas with epilepsy. One member said their Vet was seeing 5 Vizslas with epilepsy! I was surprised that their Vet practice *saw* 5 Vizslas, let alone 5 Vizslas with epilepsy!!! To ascertain if this is a case of 'Chinese Whispers' where several is turning into seven, into hundreds, we are conducting a survey.

In other breeds of dogs there is an underlying genetic component to this condition, so among other things, we need pedigree information. We are aware there are many Australian bred dogs in New Zealand.

We would appreciate if your members have or have had - or know of anyone who has or has had - an Australian Bred dog with epilepsy, fits or a seizure disorder to contact me. Similarly, if an epileptic dog has Australian bred dogs in its pedigree (parents/grandparents/great g parents etc) we would also welcome the information.

Naturally, information provided will be treated as confidential.

Karyn Orzeszko,
33 Brunel Street,
Essendon Vic. 3040,


So those of you who haven't paid, please send them
immediately to ensure you keep receiving your copy of
the Newzsletter!

Please make cheque payable to Steve or Jenny Peacocke. Due to N.Z. banking regulations I found it too hard to open an account in the Vizsla Club name without a committee, constitution etc.

cute pups
Ain't pups cute

PLEASE NOTE to Local readers of the Internet Version

This is actually a club and the only way the Newzsletter and club can survive is to have members who join by subscription. Not all material is placed on the Internet, the Internet version does not get published until some weeks after the written version and activities such as get togethers are usually over before the Internet version is published. So any New Zealand Vizsla owners who read this list regularly but do not belong to the club, please contact us about subscribing. Prices (in New Zealand currency) are listed next:

Rates - Advertising (paper version only - these ads are not placed on the internet)

Full Page Ad (Ready for scanning) $10.00
Half Page Ad (Ready for scanning) $6.00
Litter and Visit Notices Free

Rates - Subscription

$15 for year from August 1st until July 31st. Those joining through the year may pay a partial sub ($3 per 2 month period) or full sub and receive back issues of the Newzsletter.

Overseas subscriptions are NZ$20.00.

All subscriptions, advertising copy (with fee) and submissions should be sent to Jenny and Steve Peacocke at the address on the top of the Newzsletter


For results, letters, articles, advertising, EVERYTHING is usually about the 10th of the month that the Newzsletter is due out in - February, April, June, August, October, and December.

Could you please let us know dates and judges when applicable. Also please let us know if you require any material returned. We also love relevant photos to go with articles and special results!

PLEASE send us PHOTOS and ARTICLES!!!!! The more local content we can keep the more interesting it is to all of us!

Internet Addresses

We were going to publish these last issue but ran out of space so held them over. So for the electronically connected here are some new people to try chatting to:

This information is only available in the printed newzsletter for obvious reasons.

Any we have missed out - sorry! Either we have lost, mislaid or never had it. Please send it to us.


New Champions
  • CH Abbiestar Aristotle (Abbiestar Kennels)
  • CH Abbiestar Athena (Abbiestar Kennels)
  • CH Bujak-Aranka of Debrecan (A McMaster & J Young)
  • CH Heidlvue Sirocco (J Sole)
  • CH Suave Joe of Szep-Allat (J Edwards)
Congratulations to all these wonderful dogs and their owners!

Caulfield & Districts KC 25.05.97
Judge Mr A Maver

Junior Dog - Abbiestar Aristotle - CC, BOB (Abbiesatr Kennels)
Junior Bitch - Abbiestar Athena - CC, ROB (Abbiestar Kennels)
Open Dog - Graebrook Bea Tilden - Res. CC (Graebrook Kennels)

Western Suburbs KC 31.05.97
Judge Mr T Hartnett

Junior Bitch - Abbiestar Athene - CC, BOB (Abbiestar Kennels) - Shotfall Tapestry - Res CC (M Rogers)
Aust Bred Dog - Ch Hanafor Caveat Reiffel - CC, ROB (Elessar Kennels) - Ch Hanafor Benbold Jourdan - Res CC (M Rogers)
Junior Dog - Abbiestar Aristotle - (Abbiestar Kennels)
Open Dog - Ch Kazia Beat The drum - (N Croatto)

Frankston & Peninsula KC 21.06.97
Judge Miss M Cowin

Junior Dog - CH Abbiestar Aristotle - CC, BOB (Abbiestar Kennels)
Int. Dog - Hubertus Krackerjack - ROB, Res CC (A Pali)
Minor Puppy Dog - Hanafor Tan Torley - (Tokaji Kennels)
Open Dog - Ch Hanafor Simply Matyas - (Tokaji Kennels)
Junior Bitch - Ch Abbiestar Athene - CC (Abbiestart Kennels)
Open Bitch - Ch Hubertus Hearts on Fire - Res CC (A Pali)
Int. Bitch - Ch Hubertus Liberty Bell - (Pali/Edington)

Sunshine KC 29.06.97
Judge Mrs B Pontin

Junior Bitch - Ch Abbiestar Athene - CC, BOB (Abbiestar Kennels)
Open Dog - CH Hanafor Simply Matyas - CC, ROB (Tokaji Kennesl)
Junior Dog - Abbiestar Agamemnon CD - Res CC (Abbiestar Kennels)
Minor Puppy Dog - Hanafor Tan Torley - (Tokaji Kennels) Int Bitch - Ch Hanafor Benbold Kytheria - Res CC (Abbiestar Kennels)
Open Bitch - Aranyoz Lady Willpower CD - (Abbiestar Kennels)

Victorian Poultry & Kennel Club 05.07.97
Judge Mr W Crowley

Junior Bitch - Ch Abbiestar Athene - CC, BOB (Abbiestar Kennels)
Open Dog - Ch Chamberlain Able Tide - CC, ROB (J Steebs)
Junior Dog - Abbiestar Agamemnon - Res CC (Abbiestar Kennels)
Minor Puppy Dog - Hanafor Tan Torley - (Tokaji Kennels)
Open Bitch - Ch Hubertus Hearts on Fire - Res CC (A Pali)
Int. Bitch - Magyar Golden Amber - (J & B Clow)

Waitemata Gundog Double Open Show 06.07.97 Show 1 Judge - Craig Scott (Tok)

Puppy Dog - Barat Amber Flight - BOB (S & J Peacocke)
Puppy Bitch - Barat Amber Flame - ROB (S & J Peacocke)
Junior Dog - Huntsberry Diamond Rumer (D Walker)
NZ Bred Bitch - Ch Maggy Mae of Szep-Allat (S Peacocke)

Show 2 - Judge Robyn Williams (Sth Ak)

Puppy Dog - Barat Amber Flight - BOB (S & J Peacocke)
Junior Dog - Huntsberry Diamond Rumer - ROB (D Walker)
Puppy Bitch - Barat Amber Flame (S & J Peacocke)
NZ Bred Bitch - Ch Maggy Mae of Szep-Allat (S Peacocke)

At the Waitamata Show.
At the Waitamata show - Yes the dogs are ALL Vizslas!!
Thanks to Carolyn Walker for the great photo.

Wellington Ladies K.A. 12.07.97
Judge Mr B Giles

Int. Bitch - Ch Ruby Roze of Szep-Allat - CC, BOB (J Edwards)
Puppy Bitch - Scarlette of Szep-Allat, ROB, Res CC (R Hitchmough)
Baby Puppy of Group, Baby Puppy Bitch - Agasvari Ruby Rosely Imp Aust (J Edwards)

Wellington Ladies K.A. 13.07.97
Judge Nigel Trainer

Intermediate of Group, Int. Bitch - Ch Ruby Roze of Szep-Allat - CC, BOB (J Edwards)
Baby Puppy of Group, Baby Puppy Dog -Gonnylde By Fig Tree Imp Aust - ROB (B Wilkin)
Baby Puppy Bitch - Agasvari Ruby Rosely Imp Aust - Res Bitch) (J Edwards)
Puppy Bitch - Scarlette of Szep-Allat - (R Hitchmough)

Rotorua Kennel Assn Open Show 13.07.97
Judge Mr R Hayes

Puppy of Group, Puppy Dog - Barat Amber Flight - BOB (S & J Peacocke)
Puppy Bitch - Barat Amber Flame - ROB (S & J Peacocke)

Hamilton Champ Show - 20.07.97
Judge Carl Liepmann

Puppy Dog - Barat Amber Flight - CC, BOB (S & J Peacocke)
Junior Dog - Huntsberry Diamond Rumer - ROB (D & C Walker)
Puppy Bitch - Barat Amber Flame - CC (S & J Peacocke)

The Gundog Society 26.07.97
Judge S Crozier

Int. Bitch - Ch Ruby Roze of Szep-Allat - CC, BOB (J Edwards)
Baby Puppy of Group, Baby Puppy Dog -Gonnylde By Fig Tree Imp Aust - ROB (B Wilkin)
Junior Dog - Suave Joe of Szep-Allat - Res Dog, JOB (J Edwards)
Puppy Bitch - Agasvari Ruby Rosely - Res CC, (J Edwards)
Junior Bitch - Scarlette of Szep-Allat - (R Hitchmough)

Horowhenua K.A. 27.07.97
Judge Mrs L Sole

Reserve of Group, Intermediate of Group, *Intermediate in Show*, Int. Bitch - Ch Ruby Roze of Szep-Allat - CC, BOB (J Edwards)

(In Show Judge Mr W.L. Godfrey - S. Aust)

Puppy Bitch - Agasvari Ruby Rosely - Res CC, ROB - 5th All Breed Puppy Sweepstakes
(Sweepstakes Judge Colin Walker)
Junior Bitch - Scarlette of Szep-Allat - (R Hitchmough)
Baby Puppy Dog - Gonnylde by Fig Tree Imp Aust (B Wilkin)

Napier K.C. 09.08.97
Judge Mr Lesley Benis (USA)

Int. Bitch - Ch Ruby Roze of Szep-Allat - CC, BOB (J Edwards)
Puppy of Group, Puppy Bitch - Agasvari Ruby Rosely - Res CC, (J Edwards)

Napier K.C. 10.08.97
Judge Mr Anders Cederstrom (Sweden)

Int. Bitch - Ch Ruby Roze of Szep-Allat - CC, BOB (J Edwards)
Puppy Dog - Barat Amber Flight - CC, ROB (S & J Peaccoke)
Puppy Bitch - Agasvari Ruby Rosely - Res CC, (J Edwards)

Victorian Gundog Club
Judge Mr G Whitfield (NZ)

Classes not Given Ch Hubertus Hearts On Fire - CC, BOB (A Pali)
Ch Hanafor Benbold Hunter - CC, ROB (F Harris)
Ch Hanafor Simply Matyas - Res CC (Dog) (Tokaji Kennels)
Ch Hanafor Benbold Kythira - Res CC (Bitch) (Abbiestar Kennels)

Flame and Jenny
Flame & Jenny

Nelson Agility - 31st May & 1st June
Starters - Ochre - 2nd CRC (Sue McKee)
Novice - Ochre - CRC (Sue McKee)
Starters2 - Ochre - CRC (Sue McKee)

Blenheim Agility Event - 2nd June

AD - Ochre - CRC (Sue McKee) - 1 more to go to get AD!

Nelson Agility ribbon trial
Intermediate - Ochre - 1st (Sue McKee)
Novice - Ochre - 2nd (Sue McKee)

Blenheim Agility Ribbon Trial
Intermediate - Ochre - 3rd (Sue McKee)

Sue's comment: I also entered Obedience Novice for a laugh and ended up getting 3rd! (the retrieve was beautiful, the heel work shocking!!

Recently we were members of a three dog/person team to compete in the Zone 4 agility mini-assembly held in Christchurch. Ochre's big sister Kura the GSP was one of the other team members with Rob, plus a Border Collie. While Ochre is a very steady girl in agility, we really only got in the team cos no-one else wanted to go! However she more than justified her selection, by doing a lovely clear round, unfortunately with 4 seconds time faults, however Kura and the BC did lovely clear rounds too and we brought the trophy home for Nelson - we are very proud Vizsla and GSP owners!

Well done Sue & Ochre!!

Standard - The Ideal Exhibitor

This was posted to the showdogs Internet list about breed show handlers: CHARACTERISTICS
A pleasant intelligent person, helpful, considerate, attentive and of a sporting demeanor. Always willing to give advice and assistance to newcomers, or to others needing it. Attentive to the needs of the dogs being handled, and present each dog to its best advantage

A neat, smart, fit looking individual, well-groomed, well shod and well-equipped, who moves freely both in and out of the ring.

Calm, confident, unhurried and friendly

Picture: Barat Amber Flight

Barat Amber Flight HEAD
Neither big nor pin headed. Skull broad to allow for plenty of brain power. Expression pleasant and smiling, regardless of judges' decisions, other exhibitors actions and the dog's behaviour. Nose small so as to not be stuck into where it is not wanted

Sharp and bright Observant of other exhibitors location, judges hand signals and the movement and position of all dogs in the ring

Usually best kept closed except to briefly answer judges questions or to congratulate successful exhibitors. Teeth clean, white and presented in a smiling fashion at all times.

Long enough to hold the head up proudly and flexible enough to turn the head as to observe everything that is happening in the ring. Should never be stuck out.

Shoulders broad and able to shrug off unsporting comments from other exhibitors. Arms of sufficient length and strength to extend a handshake to the winners, keep a firm hold on the dog, collect any prize cards, and give a friendly pat to the dog all at the same time.

Sufficiently slim as to not impede other exhibitors leaving the ring and to not completely block the judges view of all the dogs behind.

Well developed and strong so as to be able to move the dog in the ring at its optimum speed

Firmly on the ground as this is only a sport after all. To be kept out of the mouth at all times.

Free moving and graceful, moving in harmony with the dogs speed

Dress should be neat, clean and tidy, neither flamboyant nor immodest, but designed to allow free movement without distraction to any dog in the ring. Feet should be well shod in practical shoes to allow for easy movement.

Should be chosen to complement the colour of the dog, or if several different coloured dogs are being handled, to at least not completely hide the outline of any dog, e.g. wearing a long black skirt when showing a black dog.

Exhibitors may come in all sizes and shapes, the only limitation being ability to do justice to the dog when in the ring.

Dirty or scruffy appearance, grumpy, vicious or flustered temperament; swollen head; loud mouth, especially when used for insulting comments or bad language; unsporting behaviour; unkempt dress.

The usual Kennel Club requirement that all males have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum has been dispensed with, in the interests of decorum and to avoid any sudden inspections with attendant violent reactions, while male exhibitors are attending dog shows!

Mika (FTCH Szerda of Brookbury QC)

by Robert Dodunski From a very young age Mika displayed a natural ability, enthusiasm and single mindedness for hunting. After 9 years working a variety of game, that ability has now been tempered with experience and maturity that makes her an extremely valuable hunting companion. She is experienced at hunting mainly quail and pheasant, but regularly is used on deer and has hunted chukor, duck, Canada geese, Paradise duck, feral pigeon, pig and wallaby.

FT CH Szerda of Brookbury QC (Mika)

Her joy for hunting is to be seen to be believed and just the slightest hint that a hunt is in the offing will waken her from the deepest slumber to a frenzy of hyper- activity.

Having worked several breeds of hunting dogs over the years I can appreciate Mika's abilities, which I must add seem common to most Vizslas I have seen work, if given the right opportunities. They are a steady pointer and quarter the field with purpose and business-like approach, using their head and nose to actually quest for game rather than just happening to bump into game scent. If trained right from early on, they will hold point and remain steady to wing and shot without too much effort, responding to a "stop" or "whoa" command readily. When asked to retrieve, they are persistent in their searching for the downed game.

Mika seems to know when she is meant to hunt upland gamebirds and extends her range accordingly, coming in close and walking a couple of metres ahead when in the bush after deer.

At the beginning of May this year in the Marlborough high country, Mika worked for six hunters pointing and retrieving quail. After running for five whole days solid on high country shale and rock and through matagouri and tussock, she ended up foot sore and tired. However, after an initial stiffness in the mornings, she would warm up and still run all day, and this with a wire in her stifle joint as a result of a broken cruciate ligament. The comment from one of the hunters, an experienced Danish hunter who field trials Brittany Spaniels on the European Field Trial circuit, was "In Europe the Vizsla is known as a real working dog but you'll never get another dog like her".

Because of her hunting ability, our entry to the Field Trial scene was relatively easy. After several years of trial and error (on my part) and Mika's persistence she finally made Field Trial Champion in December of last year.

Mika has justly been rewarded for her persistence, ability and hard work and a more deserving dog would be hard to find.

Well done Mika.

Mika and Anji
FT CH Szerda of Brookbury Q.C. (Mika) with young companion Huntsbury Diamond Anja (Anja)

Soundness And Movement

By Marion Coffman

The soundest dog is the one that moves with the least amount of effort. On order to recognise this effortless movement, we first must understand the relationship of conformation to function. Many of the Vizsla breeders do not make a show dog their primary goal, and are breeding for the original function of the breed - hunting. But the same dog should also be able to go into the show ring - and win, when he is not in the field. To do both, the dog must be built correctly. Form follows function.

The properly constructed Vizsla, with correct angles, correct length and placement of shoulder blades, leg and hip parts, is capable of reaching out well in front of himself and well under himself in the rear, followed by good extension of the hocks. A trot is the easiest way to understand correct movement. For that reason it is the gait used in the show ring since it shows up any structural faults the dog may have in conformation.

In profile movement watch for good leg extension without a hackney action or pounding. Look for good rear extension of the hind legs. Watch carefully the timing between the front and rear legs when they meet in the centre of the dog. The front foot should be off the ground when the rear foot sets itself down. The rear leg or foot should not have to crab - pass inside of or outside of the front leg or foot. Too little reach in the front causes short steps so that the dog must take perhaps three steps to another dogs one - wasted motion. Or perhaps the dog, in trying to take a longer step to outreach his hind leg lifts his foreleg up and out to where it attains its full reach some distance from the ground and then must put almost straight down to make the step - more wasted motion.

Still watching the dog moving in profile notice the part that the neck plays in movement. The area around the arch of the neck is the anchor point for many muscles, tendons and ligaments including some that aid in moving the front forward. A longer neck permits longer muscles, contributing to better movement. The most efficient dogs will not carry their heads high when moving but rather in a forward position. Carrying the head high is an acquired characteristic and certainly gives the Vizsla an elegant look.

Remembering that the object of good movement is efficiency, now watch as your dog is moving towards you. The front legs should be moving in a line with your body and be parallel to each other. There must be a straight line of bone from the shoulder to the pad and not the break in line as to make him a "close mover". Any problems with shoulders are now apparent.

The hardest working part of the dog is the front. The front absorbs most of the concussion of each step as it receives the impact of hitting the ground. The front maintains a level centre of gravity, thus reducing the fatigue in moving and assists the hindquarters in moving the dog forward. It is the shoulder blade more than any other individual part that will determine what kind of movement your Vizsla has.

The Vizsla standard calls for moderately laid back shoulders. Wrong interpretation by breeders is perhaps the reason we are seeing upright shoulders in the breed. If the shoulders are straight the legs will not be able to extend fully with forward motion. The leg will pound into the ground and an extra shock will have to be absorbed by the front. In order to lessen the strain of "pounding" some dogs will compensate by using their abductor muscles. These muscles bend the elbow and luft the lower arm. By using these muscles the dog is able to lift his feet higher than normal and hold them there just a fraction. This hesitation action helps him to reduce the shock the pounding gives. This is called "hackney gait" and, while it is quite pretty to look at, it is a severe fault in movement because of the tiring effect.

The shoulder blade is attached to the rib cage by means of muscles both on top of and under the shoulder blade. If the outer muscles are heavy and coarse, the ones under the shoulder blades will also be that way. This mass of muscles will cause the shoulder blades to be pushed too far away from the rib cage and give the dog "loaded shoulders". This, in turn, leads to a dog being "out at the elbows" resulting in tiring movement. Correct shoulder PLACEMENT is also necessary, not only to improve the profile but to support the ribs and back. A forward shoulder blade fails to offer that support and shows up as a dip behind the top of the shoulder blades. This is sometimes a problem that very young dogs outgrow as their shoulders settle in but too often persists into maturity.

Very few breeders and exhibitors realise how important the pasterns are to soundness of the Vizsla. It is the pastern that acts as shock absorber. They cushion the impact of each step, thereby reducing the shock received by the shoulder. Good pasterns are not really straight but have a slight angle to them in relation to the forearm. This angle supplies a slight give which diminished the shock of each step.

I personally believe the feet are the single most important elements of a Vizsla. Many breeders have heard me expound on this theory for years, but since the foot supplies the leverage to the leg, correct tight feet, along with thick pads to cushion the impact, give the dog quality speed and endurance.

After studying the dog moving both in profile and coming straight in to you, now watch him leaving you. In the standard's description of hindquarters we read further emphasis on straight lines, i.e., the hocks are let down and parallel to each other. They must be straight as viewed from behind.

We must remember that the good front with good reach that comes from correct shoulder placement has to also be in balance with the hindquarter. Along with wanting the dog to move forward in a level fashion when watching his profile, we also want him to move in a straight line when watching him from the rear. A dog that moves with his feet under the corners of his body is an unsound dog with too much wasted energy. Our standard calls for "single tracking" which means when viewed from the rear there must be a straight line of bone from the hip to the pad when the dog is moving. The upper thigh and the lower thigh and hock must appear as a straight line. If there is a break in this line the dog is moving too "close to the rear".

Many dogs do not step out with good drive even with good rear angulation. This may be evident with straight shoulders as the dog is minimising the forward push in order to keep from getting in the way of his front feet. For complete balance the rear legs must be close to the same angulation as the front. Most of the angulation begins with the upper thigh and pelvis. An extremely flat croup on your dog can mean virtually little angulation in that area. Since our breed needs power and endurance more than speed a moderately angulated dog at both ends can do his job in the shwo ring and the field without wasted motion. The correct slope of the croup is an indication of the correct pelvis attachment to the spinal column. It permits longer muscles from it to the stifle. Since the major portion of the dog's power is derived from the legduring its backward sweep these muscles are important as they draw the leg back into a long back stroke, adding power to the drive. If you can see the full surface of the pad as the dog moves away you will find that he is using his full capabilities of drive.

Endurance and staying power is determined by the lower thigh and hock. A well let down hock means that the hock should be relatively short when compared to the lower thigh bones. With a longer hock, the lower thigh bones shorten, perhaps increasing speed but decreasing endurance.

Balance is difficult to explain or describe, but a balanced Vizsla is eye catching even when you are not exactly sure what it is about him that is appealing. No single dog is faultless and balance does not guarantee perfection but it does contribute greatly. One persons opinion of balance may be different from someone else's or it may change as he becomes more familiar with the breed and the situation.

Learning is a never ending situation!

Mya and Szamos
New member Nicki Caddock from Christchurch sent us this lovely photo of her two Vizslas
On the left is her 1 year bitch, Huntsbury Diamond Mya (Mya)
and on the right is her 4 month old Australian import Hungargunn Agas Szamos (Szamos)

Vizslas in bed--You're Kidding???

This has been the subject on the Internet recently. Some new and prospective owners have been amazed at the number of people who share their beds with their Vizslas. Julia Bonar (Keystone Vizlsas) who always has a comment worth sharing had this to say:

Our first Vizsla, Deacon, decided early on that the human's bed was the place to be. We, the humans decided over our dead bodies was he going to sleep on our bed. He had a nice bed of his own at the bottom of our bed and this was where he would sleep. This was of course was before we learned about crates or rather accepted the acceptability of using a crate.

I believe it took roughly three weeks for Deacon to convince us that the human's bed was the place to be. We started out with me placing said 'red person' in his bed, whispering sweet nothings in his ear, kissing him good night, turning out the lights and climbing into bed only to discover that he had arrived there before me. Out I get, turn on the light and place the little sweetheart gently back in HIS bed and kiss him goodnight and tell him 'no no, you must stay in your bed', smile sweetly at my precious bundle, turn off the light, climb back into bed only to discover his sweet face on my pillow.

Rumer and Heater
Huntsbury Diamond Rumer lying in front of the heater!
(Webmaster: Call it correctly Jenny - it's called "Hogging the heater")

No no sweetheart, this is Mummy and Daddy's bed you must sleep in your lovely comfey bed on the floor, back out of bed, forget the light, place Deacon gently back in his bed and give him a stay suggestion, back I go to the human's bed only to discover there are three of us in it!

NO!!! this is NOT where you sleep, you sleep in YOUR bed on the floor! Back out of bed, pick up Deacon, put him in his bed, pet him and whisper soothing words till he dozes off, sneak quietly away smiling smugly, climb back into bed only to discover he was back in there already.

Slightly less friendly removal from the human's bed, to h*** with the light, back to the dog bed, firmly tell 'little red person' that this is his bed and he must stay, he seems suitably impressed with the authorative tone. Back I go into the human's bed only to discover he's back. Ticked off now! Back out of bed, DAMMIT this is MY bed, your's is on the floor! Slightly less pleasantly his nibs is put into HIS bed and I race back to mine at a hundred miles an hour only to discover that once again I'm in second place!!!!!!!!!

After several rounds of this tactic and discovering that 'Mummy' really was turning into a major bitch he switched his M O. He waited till he thought we were asleep and then crept up on the bed very quietly and carefully. The human bounced out of bed, deposited himself back in his bed, raced for the bed .... you guessed it!! After several different variations of this approach the MAJOR mistake we made was to start giggling!!! This is the kiss of death with a Vizsla as it signifies - quite correctly - that you think they are funny and they've won! All is lost once the giggling/laughter starts.

This is without a doubt the most manipulative, self serving, thoroughly bloody minded breed going. You do have to get up very early to get ahead of them - my advise? If you really don't want the dog in bed get a crate and put the puppy as far away from the bedroom as you can because they will work you over about that too.

It helps to have a nice grooming room in your detached boarding kennel:-))

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