The Vizsla Newzsletter of New Zealand
c/- Jenny and Steve Peacocke
Puriri, R.D. 1,
Thames, New Zealand.
Phone: (07) 868-1007
Port: (025) 487-866
Fax: (07) 868-1047
email Jenny:
email Steve:

New Members
Letters to the Editor
Major Oops Section
Breeder's Listing
Obedience - The Come Command
Rezsults - Breed
Rezsults - Agility
Vizslak - The Joys, Trials, Tribulations And Frustrations Of Them
Dog Rules Around Our House
How To Spend A Two-dog Night
On the Internet
First Birthday Party
To Steve and Jenny
The World According to Zsaylem
More Vizsla Words
Please Note: The views expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the editor, club or any other contributors.Any material is copyright to the original author and permission should be sought from them for reprinting.

Editor's Comments: We are going to have a get together for those who can make it on Sunday 23rd February at Val Aubrey's place in Tauranga. Bring a plate for a shared lunch, something to drink, all your dogs and yourselves for a fun day. Phone, fax or email us for directions.

We have also had it suggested that it would be interesting to have the email addresses for all Internet connected members published so we will do this next issue for all the ones we have - unless you contact us beforehand to say you don't want yours published!

Puppy Star
Star de Jour of Szep-Allat (Star)
Thanks to owners Eugene and Lynda Osborne.

New Members

This information is only available in the printed newzsletter for obvious reasons.

Welcome - and we do hope that you enjoy getting the Newzsletter as much as we enjoy doing it.

Letters to the Editor(s)

Dear Editors,

As an owner and breeder of Vizslas for 20 years I would like to make a plea to established and future breeders. Breed for the right reasons, TO BETTER THE BREED. Not to fill the ready made market that's out there at the moment. If we get it wrong and supply poor specimens with little hunting ability, what will become of this lovely breed in New Zealand?

I agree to bitches not being bred from before the age of two, or allowed to whelp more than once every twelve months. As to what age up to, I believe the fitness and health and veterinary advice should be the answer here.

Why breed before two? She needs to physically and mentally mature. If you feel she's good enough to breed from, then show her; see if she can become a breed champion. Even better if she can win groups or in shows (the icing on the cake!).

Does she show good natural retrieving and hunting ability? Is she good in the water? I would sell most of my vizslas to family come hunting homes, but in order to hunt they must be sound to be able to hunt all day if needs be.

Another question is - do you know your dogs hip score and the immediate generations behind? Many generations of American dogs are hip scored. When there is a chance to minimise a potential problem isn't it best to do so rather than blindly head into one?

If possible check out any health problems. Fortunately so far to my knowledge generally they are free of major health problems. There has, on occasions, cropped up throughout the world the recessive head gene. The muscles on top of the head waste away and give a pointed look to the top of the head with hollows above the eyes.

Don't ever repeat a litter on the next season. There's not enough time to judge how the pups turned out. Should there be any problems then you have repeated it.

There is so much to consider when breeding and there are never any guarantees. We can only try to do our best. No-one has ever yet bred the perfect dog but we all keep trying!

These are exciting times for the breed in New Zealand - let's not botch it up!!

Jan Edwards (Szep-Allat Vizslas)


For results, letters, articles, advertising, EVERYTHING is usually about the 10th of the month that the Newzsletter is due out in - February, April, June, August, October, and December.

We try to get it out by mid month but outside factors may at times interfere (such as the scanner not liking the upgrade to Windows 95!!!!)

Could you please let us know dates and judges when applicable. Also please let us know if you require any material returned. We also love relevant photos to go with articles and special results!

The Major Oops Section

In our last issue I called Jan Edwards' young pup Sweet Sue of Szep-Allat. She is actually Sporting Sue of Szep-Allat (but she is still sweet).

The message from the Internet about the Victoria dog show also dropped an important character on its Tasman crossing and we ended up putting the date as March 6th when it should have shown March 16th!! So re-book your tickets folks!

Breeders Listing

BARAT Kennels; Steve & Jenny Peacocke, R.D. 1, Puriri, Thames; Ph. (07) 868-1007, Fax (07) 868-1047

Debrecan Kennels; Judy Young/Anne McMaster, 19 Sefton Street, Belfast, Christchurch 5, Ph. (03) 323-8859

Obedience - The Come Command

by Jenny Peacocke

First I feel that a few comments on using food to train and other aids are called for. Many people say 'But I shouldn't have to bribe my dog to work for me'.

There is a large difference between a bribe and a reward. When I train our dogs I use rewards and praise while they are learning the basic commands. When they have the command response perfect (ish) I start not rewarding (but always still praising) occasionally until eventually the reward is only very occasionally.

A reward can be a food treat, a game, a big cuddle. I use combinations of all three but I'm sure other people also have other rewards.

Picture - From top:
Bobby (9 years), Morgan (18 months), Pepper (10 years)

Your dog works hard and tries hard for you during training ... surely rewards are warranted and they certainly teach a dog much quicker than just praise. Study the dog origins and you find that much of the praise we offer our dogs is a PEOPLE thing - dogs do not use this between dogs so we need to teach our dogs to love praise and the easiest way is to offer rewards with praise early on and then, later, start cutting down (but never out) on the rewards and keep the praise going. This is 'conditioning'. Many experienced handlers can 'condition' their dogs to thinking that the simple word "YES" is all the praise they need. I still use "Good Girl' and give heaps of pats - I enjoy praising our dogs!

Teaching your puppy to come is really important and should ALWAYS be a fun thing for the dog. When I teach 'COME' in my obedience class I set down some rules at the beginning:

NEVER EVER growl at your dog/pup if you have called it to come and it has responded - always praise (lavishly to start with) - This means even if your dog has killed the neighbours cat - if you called "Fido Come" and Fido came then PRAISE & REWARD!!!!!!

If you wanted to growl at the dog - go to it and don't use the 'Come' command.

When learning, always be in a position to reinforce the command - on a lead, in reaching distance to grab and pull dog towards you etc. If the dog doesn't come, correct (i.e. pull him/her towards you as if he had decided to respond) and PRAISE & REWARD!!!!!

Always use a happy welcoming (High squeaky usually) voice to call. Always PRAISE & REWARD the correct response.

If you want the dog to come, it is a long way away and not 100% reliable to the come command, go to the dog, grab the collar or suchlike, run backwards calling it "Fido Come" and PRAISE & REWARD!!!!! as it comes.

This is not formal obedience recalls but basic well trained 'will always come when I call' family member that I am trying to teach. And it is easiest to teach from an eight week old puppy - bring out food and call "Fido Come" (remember happy happy voice). Fido Comes. "Wow Good Dog - here's dinner". In most cases Fido is already coming - its dinner time! So you are reinforcing name and come command. Also if you bring out a toy, sit in a chair when he is likely to head for your lap etc. All these situations give you a chance to call the puppy at a time it is going to respond anyway and then give great PRAISE & REWARD!!!!! for responding.

A dog who responds to the come command 100% will be a dog you can save the life of! A dog will not respond 100% of the time unless it thinks that COME IS THE BEST THING EVER!!!!!

In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog. [Edward Hoagland (b. 1932), U.S. novelist, essayist.] With thanks to Bill (on the Internet) and his Vizsla Teddy the Charmer

Rezsults - Breed

Ashburton Kennel Association 05.10.96
Bujak-Aranka of Debrecan - CC, BOB (Judy Young)

Ashburton Kennel Association 05.10.96
Bujak-Aranka of Debrecan - CC, BOB (Judy Young)

Ellesmere A&P Society 18.10.96
Bujak-Aranka of Debrecan - CC, BOB (Judy Young)

Southern Gundog Ribbon Parade 20.10.96
Baby Puppy - Huntsbury Diamond Mya (Nicky Craddick)
Best Puppy on Parade<

Canterbury Kennel Association Inc 15.11.96
Bujak-Aranka of Debrecan - CC, BOB (Judy Young)

Canterbury Kennel Association Inc 15.11.96
Bujak-Aranka of Debrecan - CC, BOB (Judy Young)

Southern Gundog Society 17.11.96
Bujak-Aranka of Debrecan - CC, BOB (Judy Young)
NZ CH Agasvari Super Star (Imp Aust) - CC, ROB (Judy Young/Anne McMaster)
Baby Puppy - Huntsbury Diamond Mya (Nicky Craddick)

Taupo Benefit Show - 12.01.97
Judge Robyn Bayliss
Baby Puppy Dog - Suave Joe of Szep-Allat AI - ROB (Jan Edwards)
Baby Puppy of Group
Junior Bitch - Ch Ruby Roze of Szep-Allat - CC, BOB (Jan Edwards)
Reserve of Group
Junior of Group
Junior in Show

Kapi Mana Champ Show 18.01.97
Judge C Kington (NSW)
Baby Puppy Dog - Joe of Szep-Allat -BOB (Jan Edwards)
Baby Puppy of Group
Baby Puppy Bitch - Sporting Sue of Szep-Allat - ROB (Jan Edwards)

Wairarapa Champ Show 19.01.97
Judge Mr R Masters (S. Africa)
Baby Puppy Bitch - Sporting Sue of Szep-Allat - BOB (Jan Edwards)
Baby Puppy of Group
Baby Puppy Dog - Joe of Szep-Allat - ROB (Jan Edwards)

Northern Classic 25.01.97
Puppy Dog - Heidlvue Sirroco - CC, BOB (Joan Sole)
Open Bitch - Ch Jovita of Szep-Allat - CC, ROB (Jenny Peacocke)

Continental Gundog Open Show - 01.02.97
Junior Bitch - Ch Ruby Roze of Szep-Allat - BOB (Jan Edwards)
Reserve in Show
Junior in Show
Puppy Bitch - Scarlett of Szep-Allat - ROB (Rod Hitchmough)
Puppy in Show

The 1996 Continental Showdog of the Year is Ch Ruby Roze of Szep-Allat which was made extra special by the fact that she was following in her mothers footsteps as the 1995 Continental Showdog of the Year was Ch Hubertus Claim to Fame Imp Aust - Roze's mother!

NZ Ch Hubertus Claim to Fame

Rezsults - Agility

(Note: CRC = Clear Round Certificate)

Canterbury Agility Training Society 13.10.96
Novice - NZ Ch Agasvari Gyongy Virag - 3rd & CRC (Anne McMaster)
Intermediate - NZ Ch Agasvari Gyongy Virag - CRC (Anne McMaster)

Canterbury Agility Training Society 16.10.96
Novice - NZ Ch Agasvari Gyongy Virag - 4th & CRC (Anne McMaster)
Intermediate - NZ Ch Agasvari Gyongy Virag - CRC (Anne McMaster)
Starters - NZ Ch Agasvari Super Star - 5th & CRC (Judy Young/Anne McMaster)

Timaru Agility Show 23.10.96
Intermediate - NZ Ch Agasvari Gyongy Virag - CRC (Anne McMaster)

Timaru Agility Show 24.10.96
Intermediate - NZ Ch Agasvari Gyongy Virag - CRC (Anne McMaster)
Starters - NZ Ch Agasvari Super Star - 1st & CRC (Judy Young/Anne McMaster)
AD - NZ Ch Agasvari Gyongy Virag - CRC (Anne McMaster)
This CRC qualified Cheska as ADX - this qualification means Agility Dog of excellence. As far as we know Cheska is the third Vizsla in New Zealand to achieve this qualification.

Picture: Ch Jovita of Szep-Allat AD (Spud) practicing the Tyre Jump

Taupo Agility Show 08.02.97
Starters - Ch Jovita of Szep-Allat - CRC (Jenny Peacocke)
AD - Ch Jovita of Szep-Allat - CRC (Jenny Peacocke)
This CRC qualifies Spud as AD - Agility Dog.

And did I see in the latest Kennel Gazette that Robert Dodunski and his dog Szerda of Brookbury Q.C. had gained a field trial championship. Congratulation Robert and Mika!!

Vizslak - The Joys, Trials, Tribulations And Frustrations Of Them

by Mac McMullen

Hi, My name is Gerard McMullen (Known to all as 'Mac' McMullen), my family is comprised of the Boss - Wendy (my wife), two daughters Nichola (14) and Rachel (12), Rachel's cat Penny, and the 4 year old orange horse (a Jan Edwards Vizsla actually) Luka of Szep-Allat.

I am in the NZ army, and was stationed at Waiouru for six years. It was while in Waiouru that Luka joined the family. I am a keen deer hunter and it was in reading Dr. Roger Lentils' first book on hunting Red deer in New Zealand that I saw the first mention of the dog known as Vizsla. About two months later, I was out in contact with Jan Edwards (then in Wainuiomata) who would prove to be a mine of information about the breed and possess a boundless enthusiasm when talking about Vizslak. Jan suggested I contact Brice Horner, who was also in the Army, and owned a Vizsla, 'Tikka'. I watched Tikka in action on some ducks and Pukeko and was impressed. Tikka was eventually the sire of my own little Vizsla. I then requested a puppy from Jan and waited for a little while. Actually I waited nearly eighteen months before Nichola got to nurse this little bundle of wrinkles in the back seat from Wellington to Waiouru one Friday night in October 1992.

Wendy is from a farming background and an absolutely "NO DOG EVER IN MY HOUSE!!!" type of lady. However, when Mr Floppy (as he was referred to by the girls when a puppy) turned up, with snow and ice 3 - 6 inches deep everywhere outside, there was a radical re-think. Little Mr Floppy was set down in a corner of the kitchen and began to grow into the XXXOS swandri he was wearing. At four months (Dec '92) he decided the kitchen was either too crowded, or it interrupted his sleeping, or just plain cramped his style, either way he moved out into the laundry and there he stayed.

At this point I might add that of the many places I have lived in both the main islands of Godzone, I think the Central Plateau is hard to beat. The whole area is a Mecca for deer, ducks (in season) and parries all year round, rabbits and hares like a South Otago plague, and literally hundreds of thousands of acres without a fence. A mix of waist high red tussock, and all the many smaller ones intermixed with patches of native bush. Luka grew up in this until he was 18 months old and when Jan saw him for the first time at about nine months of age, she looked at this 'great hairy heavy-boned, rangy, long-legged dog' that looked like a cross with a wire haired Vizsla. It is interesting to note that with the constant exposure to the much colder climate of Waiouru, the Hungarian genetics reverted to production of the coarse outer hair and thick almost white downy under layer of protective body cover one could expect dogs to possess in such a region. It was very noticeable when he was running with his litter mates at this time.

Luka matured well in the Waiouru environment, growing very tall and big boned (which is what I wanted) and the ability to run all day. He field trialed very well as a puppy, notching up many achievements (including winning 'Puppy of the Year' Cup at the Rotorua club) and continued this form on into novice and limit competitions. He was very slow to begin pointing - only starting at almost two years old, but has always displayed a great nose and strong-running. Work has limited my ability to expose him to continuos training which produces champions, however with luck I may be able to re-address this. We are now settled in the Wairarapa and the Tararua Range and local wetlands beckon.

3 pups
Maggy Mae, Morning Sky & Miklos of Szep-Allat (1994).

One thing I have learned from these dogs generally speaking if there is a fault in their hunting it is a result of an action (or lack of action) by the handler. They have so much natural potential and are so willing to please ..... I well remember Luka about six months old leaping into ice-covered ponds in Waiouru to fetch whatever the girls were skating across the icy surface. The temperatures were extreme, but he didn't hesitate. The only drawback for these dogs (not a fault) is that if all your bird shooting is from a mai-mai, then be very careful to protect the dog from the wind, especially when wet. Luka's first exposure to this form of shooting was in 1995 and he lost about 5 kilos in weight just through shivering. No matter how much mutton fat he ate and how much I rubbed him down and wind proofed the holes, the southerly wind was freezing. Next year he gets a wet-suit dome-on coat. I found in Waiouru that, although at times soaked from running through frozen tussock, and then sitting for twenty minutes while I 'glassed' for deer, as long as he lay down under the tussock out of the wind he was okay.

Your portrayal of a 'gaggle of Vizslak playing together' is indeed a thing to see. I am fortunate that Jan invariably has three or four resident and its good to see Luka join them in searching for rabbits, or just running around with them without the fear of a big scrap you typically get when out with some other types of dogs.

My most cutting learning experience - the Upper Hutt Gun-Dog Field Trial Champs in 1995. I entered Luka into the Open (he had been performing brilliantly in training for the six weeks prior) and he started off quite well .. Until he found the only hare on the course. He fancied his chances on catching one and from two thirds of the way long the course to right back behind the start line he still fancied his chances at catching this hare!! The judge very considerately waited for this Hungarian street-mutt to return to me and allowed him to continue. By now the only smell that mattered was hare and dead pigeon was not interesting enough. Result - a quick re-call and off to an early cup of tea. This hare mucked around all the dogs on the course - returning each time after being disturbed, but never as much as what my boy did to it. A good day but not if you wanted to do well.

Star pointing
Star - owned by Eugene and Lynda Osborne in Rotorua - pointing a bird

I could recount many trips and adventures I have had with Luka both in the family environment and out hunting, however I'll leave them and the accompanying photos for another time.

Dog Rules Around Our House

with thanks to Gina on the Internet
  1. The Vizsla is not allowed in the house.
  2. Okay, the Vizsla is allowed in the house, but only in certain rooms.
  3. The Vizsla is allowed in all rooms, but has to stay off the furniture.
  4. The Vizsla can get on the old furniture only, but has to stay off the new couch.
  5. Fine, the Vizsla is allowed on all the furniture, but is not allowed to sleep with the humans on the bed.
  6. Okay, the Vizsla is allowed on the bed, but only by invitation.
  7. The Vizsla can sleep on the bed whenever he wants, but not under the covers.
  8. The Vizsla can sleep under the covers by invitation only.
  9. The Vizsla can sleep under the covers every night.
  10. Humans must ask permission to sleep under the covers with the Vizsla.
And keeping in the same theme we thank Pam from the Internet and her dog Lucie (expert cover hog) for forwarding this following article:

How To Spend A Two-dog Night

By Bev Ryba (With The Voice Of Experience!)

I will address myself mostly to the rules for sleeping with two dogs. For the few who have already mastered this technique, I will later add a cat, although I urge beginners to leave the cat out.

Bobby - aged about 3 or so.

To achieve any sort of success, certain arbitrary conditions must be assumed, the first one being that you must have a king-sized bed. There is no point in lying down in anything smaller. While the size of the breed of dog is not important (people who sleep with dogs know that before the night is over everybody collects into a pile), the condition of the dogs may be. Very thin dogs, for example, are lumpier.

I have selected the two-dog minimum because, as we shall see, it is the only way to stay in bed at all. The key word here is LEVERAGE. All dogs spend the night pressed tightly against their human bedfellows, but no two dogs ever sleep on the same side. This is, in part, an expression of the "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie Principle". It is also to create leverage.

Because the human being is always in the middle, held tightly in place by the dogs and by his blanket (which the dogs are sleeping on top of), restlessness and recurring cramps are difficult to handle. Here is the tip:

When you first lie down, AND BEFORE THE DOGS SETTLE AGAINST EACH SIDE OF YOU, spread your legs three inches apart. Stiffen and hold out NO MATTER HOW GREAT THE PRESSURE! When the time comes to turn over, bring the legs together quickly under the now slightly slackened blanket and revolve BEFORE THE DOGS WAKE UP. As soon as you have assumed a new position, allow for those crucial three inches again; otherwise, you're a mummy for the rest of the night.

NEVER SPREAD THE LEGS MORE THAN THREE INCHES. A dog's favorite place to sleep is in the hollow created by legs too widely spread, and once settled, he and you are frozen into position until morning. (There is a way out of this trap, but it is difficult to describe without slides). Dogs who prefer to sleep on their backs MUST BE GIVEN SPACE THREE TIMES THE HEIGHT OF THE DOG AT THE SHOULDER. Dogs who like pillows may be accommodated if you sleep on your side with the legs scissored so that each dog has an ankle for a chin rest. Above all, BEWARE OF CURLING! When the curl is reversed, both dogs are dislocated, resulting in low growls on both sides of you.

When you are ready to add a cat, position is all important. All cats prefer to sleep in hollows, but NO CAT WILL SLEEP ON THE SAME SIDE AS A DOG. (Remember, you have only two sides). YOU MUST THEREFORE BECOME A TRIANGLE! Do this by assuming a horizontal diver's crouch, thereby creating not only three more-or less exclusive sides but two hollows as well. With one dog at your front, and the other against your back, the cat can curl into the hollow at the back of your bent knees, separated from both dogs. All will then sleep soundly.

This entire technique still needs a lot of refinement. A method that deals with early morning scratching needs to be developed, and the problem of pretending to sleep while being closely scrutinized by various animals needs to be solved.

On The Internet

The Virtual Dog Show
Spring 1997 Show -

Ch Maggy Mae of Szep-Allat

March 1 1997 Entries open!
May 3 1997 Entries close
May 17 1997 Image and entry fee submission deadline
May 25 1997 Judging begins
May 31 1997 Results announced!
(These dates are subject to change)

This is an event that is held approximately twice a year. Last year Maggy was placed 4th out of 14 Vizslas entered in the "Spring' show (held during OUR Autumn). The very first Virtual Dog Show had a Vizsla take BEST IN SHOW!!

Entries are by photo. You need to have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 photos. For conformation the first photo should be a front shot (preferably standing or moving); the second should be a side shot - I would recommend stacked so that the judge can get a better view, and the other three can be any that give a better idea of the dog such as moving or open mouth showing teeth etc.

There are also usually categories for:

Single Dog Variety Classes

  • Rescue - for dogs obtained from a pound or breed rescue scheme.
  • Deceased - for dogs that have passed away.
  • Veteran - for dogs aged nine years or older on a specified date.
  • Puppy - for dogs aged one year or younger on a specified date.
  • Activity - for dogs pictured while engaged in a service activity (police work, seeing-eye, assistance dogs, SAR, PAT etc.), sports activity (obedience, agility, flyball etc.), or breed-specific activity (herding, pointing, retrieving, guarding livestock etc.).
  • Costume - for dogs pictured "in costume".
  • In Motion - for submissions of digitized video clips.
  • Voice - for submissions of digitized sound clips.
  • Dog Most Like Owner - for dogs who resemble their human partners.
The following list of classes that can be entered by an individual breeder, owner or handler.

Multi-dog Variety Classes

  • Junior Showmanship - for junior handlers aged sixteen or younger on a specified date.
  • Brace - for two dogs pictured together.
  • Lineage - for dogs from a minimum of three generations.
  • Breeder - for dogs from the same breeder.
Cost in previous shows has been $US5 per entry plus $US3 per photo if you need to have them scan it for you. I would anticipate the same cost for the Spring '97 show. Anyone who wants to enter and does not have access to the Internet, please contact me and I can give you details of how to enter etc.

First Birthday Party

by Judy Young - Christchurch

Yes, its true, a birthday party for dogs.

This wonderful tradition was started by one of our first litter owner's, Lynda, who has a Vizsla called Luka'.

Left to Right
Meg, Luka', Thomas, Samual, Jarrah, Jackson

It has caught on and recently my youngest Vizsla jarrah celebrated her first birthday with five other Vizslas, Luka', Tom, Meg, Jackson and Sam. No, it wasn't mayhem, but there was plenty of activity as they all romped and played. Unfortunately the weather was not as kind as it could have been.

Highlights were chicken stew for the Vizslas and 'Fish-and-Chips' for the adults (definitely have our priorities in order), with birthday cake being a circle of sponge with a tad of cream to hold on those doggy chocolate drops and hearts!!

DEFINITELY some were fonder of food than others, as we watched one certain lady (no names mentioned) scoff her own plus move on to devour any leftovers!!

Seriously, it was nice for all to get together and have some fun with our Vizslas.

To Steve and Jenny

by Sue Staheli

Here's a little something you might have room in the next newsletter for:

"Congratulations on your Baby Boy" - that's the card (with added dogs tail, ears and nose drawn on the baby sleeping in the cot) we received on the day we brought Barat Amber Jazz home. (We have some funny friends.)

But in a way it was just like bringing a new baby home. Jazz made the ride home with no worries at all. He slept cuddled in my arms for most of the trip. We had no idea how he would react after leaving his birth family and coming to his new home. Pete and I were at home by ourselves as our little girl, Tasha (2 3/4 years), had gone away for a couple of days. Right from the start Jazz made himself at home. We were pleased that it didn't seem to take him long to get used to us. Mind you, we didn't do much else at home except cuddle and pamper him. Our bed didn't get used for a few nights as we ended up camping out in the lounge keeping Jazz company. It worked though because we had no crying and he slept all night. Something that new parents dream of.

Tasha arrived home a couple of days later, she couldn't wait to get out of the car, finally her new puppy was at home. Jazz wasn't too sure of her at first. It took him a little while to realise that he wasn't an only child and cuddles and loves had to be shared. But I soon had great pleasure watching the two of them outside playing together. We knew they had bonded when one night I put Tasha to bed, closed her door and, as I walked away, I turned to see jazz at her room scratching and crying wanting to go in and see her. It was a very sweet sight.

Barat Amber Jazz

He is a wonderful addition to our family. I have never known a dog to be so loving and affectionate. Its great.

He is now 3 months old and we have great pleasure in showing him off. You can guarantee that wherever we take him people stop and talk to us about him. He's a real charmer and wins hearts very quickly. (But I guess he is a Vizsla!!)

As I write this at the kitchen table Jazz is sitting by my feet, he is never far away always waiting for a chance to grab a cuddle. Finally after nearly two years of talking and reading about Vizslas we are now very proud to have one of our own and in the short time we have had him we have grown to love him dearly, even with his puppy antics. Many thanks to Steve and Jenny for allowing us the chance to adopt this wonderful new addition to our family.

The World According to Zsaylem

by Judy Young

I see myself as the patriarch of the fabulous four
The tweed jacket, pipe, derby hat type
And, if I'm forgiven
I'm not into all that showdog or agility hype
unless of course I get a red ribbon

As I was saying, I'm more your country gent
perusing the papers,
that's how my Saturdays are spent
'The business section or Cats, Dogs, Pets'?
A dabble in the share market, "Shall I risk it?"
Bother, share prices fallen, "that really takes the (dog) biscuit!"

Every conservative business sort has an alter ego
Women's purses are my secret passion
What treasures lie in those leather statements of fashion?

Aah, 'lippy' for a night on the town
Pink maybe? I think not,
it doesn't go with golden brown

Ooh a little mirror to confirm
I'm such a debonair chap, its enough to make
lesser beasts insecure and squirm

And a file to touch up the claws
digging for treasure is so hard on the paws

I may have a penchant for purses, I may be vain
but I draw the line at women's clothing
I make that quite plain

On my days off I'm a rugged outdoorsy guy
trekking through the bush, kayaking on the lake
throw anything at me, you can't deny
the hard knocks I take

During my daily rounds I'm a stickler for details
'Pointing' out cobweb in the corner, and the fluff on the floor
I'm sure my mother appreciates it when my vigilance prevails
Being perfect is such a chore

After a stint by the fire
my working day is over
I snuggle up, head down and I retire
My body under the colour coordinated duvet cover
I dream of a voluptuous Vizsla lover

Ch Wynyard Voriz Zsaylem ADX (Zsaylem)
navigating the Marlborough Sounds (owner Judy Young)

More Vizsla Words

(withmore thanks to the Vizsla owners on the Internet)

VOPPLER EFFECT: The ability of a vizsla to warp time and space to be sitting politely at your feet, staring at the apple before you've finished the first cut.

VIZSMEARS: The smudges on the inside of car windows where your V presses her nose.

VIZSLA COLADA: The drink you've set down "only for a second" that your Vizsla comes and slurps from.

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