Cesky Fousek
Image: Cesky FousekThe Cesky Fousek is an ancient breed, rescued from the brink of extinction. The Fousek is supposed to be the basis of all wire haired pointing dogs, and was around back in the 1300’s as the Bohemian wirehaired pointer or water dog.
During WW1 the Fousek became almost extinct. To rescue the breed an association was set up in 1924 with a breed standard to aim for drawn up in 1931. The infusion of Korthals Griffon, Stickelhair, Drathaar and Kurzhaar to the few remaining Cesky Fousek under strict breeding and testing regulations took place. Natural ability testing of the progeny was used to verify the breeding quality of the parents.
Eight separate lines of Fousek were developed with 1 additional line, the 9th, reserved for use only when one of the 8 lines need refreshing with new blood. The breed standard was accepted by the FCI in 1958.
The Cesky Fousek is like the WPG a hunter of plains, forest and marsh and a water retriever. The Fousek will range far out in the open plains but will adjust it’s range in heavier cover. The Fousek is a keen and persistent hunter and natural pointer, as well a dispatcher of wildcats, foxes and similar predators.
Of proud carriage, loyal and biddable the Cesky Fousek is gaining popularity overseas.The Cesky Fousek has a rather narrow skull but his whiskers and sideburns give his head a square profile. Muzzle is long and straight, ears smooth coated, eyebrows bushy. The Fousek expression is intelligent, often serious. The Fousek has a strong muscular body with deep chest, firm back, slight tuck up and docked tail.
The coat is of 3 hair types: A thick close waterproof undercoat of approximately 1.5cm. An overcoat of 3-4cm, then a hard wiry top coat of 5-7cm on the chest/shoulders/back/loin.Colour is liver, liver and white, roan – being a mix of white and brown hair with dark muzzle and may have liver patching.
Size: dogs 60-66cm
bitches 58-62cm
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Updated 19th Oct 2002